It takes a lot of guts to quit your job.

It often means taking risks that are uncertain and a lot of unknowns. So, it’s not surprising that it can be tempting to stick with the familiar, especially if your boss promises to up their game, and possibly your salary, in a counteroffer when you try to resign.

Whatever the reasons were for wanting to consider a new job in the first place, that means something in your current position or company was unsatisfying. So where does that leave you? What are the issues that weren’t fixable – the deal-breakers? Why would you suddenly want to stay at your job just because your boss offered you more money?

Another big consideration is the fact they now know you have one foot out the door once you’ve expressed your desire to move on. Going back on that decision could be one of the worst moves of your career.

As much as your employer may like you as an individual, once that trust is broken they may become wary of you and your commitment to the company. They could also use the new information to start considering how they could replace you. This gives them an advantage in future negotiations.

Overall, counter offers very rarely have a happy ending. 80% of employees that accept counter offers will not be at their current employer in six months and 93% will not be there in 18 months’ time. When you vocalize or signal that you are unhappy, your every move will then be under a microscope after a counteroffer is accepted since your boss will continue to wonder if you are still looking elsewhere. Your commitment and loyalty as an employee are questioned and all credibility goes out the window.

The moral of the story is:
Think about what would change if you stayed and took the counteroffer. Go over all of the reasons you wanted to get a new job in the first place. There are of course exceptions to every rule, but this one is pretty clear…just say NO to a counter offer!